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DS200FGPAG1A (GE Gate Pulse Amplifier Board) supplies power for one phase of a SCR bridge, collects cell voltage information, and converts AC current to the DC control voltage.\n\nThe DS200FGPAG1A board (LCI) has a fast and reliable network from 1 fiber optic port for transmitting and 14 fiber optic ports for receiving. Two receiving ports are Two of the receiving ports are fixed with the duplex fiber optic networks, the rest are fixed with simplex fiber optic networks.?\n\nIn a manufacturing environment, Fiber optic networks are especially useful. Signals are not impacted by the electrical interference. You have the capability to run the fiber optic cables (bundled with the 3-phase power cables) or any other cable.?\n\nFiber optic cables can run longer than copper wire networks. If repeaters are added to the networks, the fiber optic cables run time can be doubled. You may add a maximum of 2 repeaters to the network. Be sure to check that the bend radius is not tighter than the recommended specifications when designing the fiber optic cabling routes. The signal may be weakened or damage the cables if they are tighter. By reducing or increasing signal strength, you can configure the fiber optic network, but this depends on the length of the fiber optic cables and additional factors.\n\nStatic electricity can damage the DS200FGPAG1A board (LCI)! In order to minimize this risk, leave DS200FGPAG1A in the protective packaging until you are ready to install.?\n\nFor the Load Commutated Inverter (LCI), DS200FGPAG1A has three basic functions. The functions DS200FGPAG1A provides are, gate driver, SCR status monitor and switching power supply.?\n\nEvery DS200FGPAG1A provides gate power for one phase of a SCR bridge. DS200FGPAG1A collects cell voltage information from up to 12 FHVAs and sends this information back to the LCI control. DS200FGPAG1A receives a power input of 120 Vrms +/-20% AC.\n\n \n\nThe DS200FGPAG1A switching power supply transforms the AC input into the various DC control voltages needed by the gating and status functions. The DS200FGPAG1A gating and status functions that need these transformed voltages are: P90, P40, P15, and P5. These are the functions, respectively, for gate pedestal power, gate power, gate bias for power MOSFETs, and logic power.\n\n \n\nSCR voltage status information through a fiber optic linke from each of the 2-12 FHVA boards connected to DS200FGPAG1A, is collected by DS200FGPAG1A?s status circuit. DS200FGPAG1A's status circuit multiplexes the optical signals, the information is then transmitted per the serial fiber-optic link back to the control.\n\n \n\nThe ?GEI-100223 - The GE Motors and Industrial Systems Gate Pulse Amplifier Board? manual for DS200FGPAG1A, explains general information about?DS200FGPAG1A.?\n\nCircuits, switching power supply, and power supply under voltage on?DS200FGPAG1A are explained. DS200FGPAG1A?s manual also explains?DS200FGPAG1A's application data (i.e. test points and fiber optic connectors).?\n\nLastly, the manual provides information on renewal and warranty replacement for?DS200FGPAG1A.?\n\n \n\nLCI GATE PULSE AMPLIFIER
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Power is delivered to one phase of an SCR bridge on the GE Gate Pulse Amplifier Board DS200FGPAG1A, cell voltage data is gathered, and AC to DC control voltage is transformed.

The DS200FGPAG1A board features one sending fiber optic port and 14 receiving fiber optic ports for an extremely fast and stable network.

  • Duplex fiber optic networks are served by two receiving ports, whereas simplex fiber optic networks are served by the remaining ports. Because electrical interference does not impact the messages, fiber optic networks are highly helpful in an industrial environment. As a result, fiber optic cables can be used in conjunction with 3-phase power cables or any other wire.
  • Fiber optic links can also extend further than copper wire networks. If repeaters are added to the networks, the runs can be even longer. The length can be doubled by using repeaters. A maximum of two repeaters can be added to the network. When designing fiber optic cable routes, make sure the bend radius does not exceed the specifications' recommended radius. They may have degraded the transmission or destroyed the cables if they were tighter. The signal power can be reduced or increased to configure the fiber-optic network. This is determined by the length of the fiber optic cable as well as other factors.
  • The board is subject to harm by static electricity. Keep the board in its protective container until you're ready to install it to reduce the risk.
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