DS200LDCCH1A is a Drive Control/LAN Communications Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the EX2000 Series used in GE Excitation gas turbine control systems. The primary drive and I/O control capabilities for the DIRECTO-MATIC® 2000 family of drives and exciters from GE are provided by the DS200LDCC Drive Control/LAN Communications board (LDCC). Features consist of:
In order to process control, application, and I/O functions, the LDCC has four microprocessors:
The DCP has integrated I/O peripherals like an interrupt controller, timer/counters, interrupt controllers, and a direct memory access (DMA) controller. The DCP and related circuitry include inputs for voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), as well as analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) signal conversion. User interfaces, regulating loops (such as speed and position), and system-level operations make up the DCP software.
For usage in motor control, the MCP has a variety of I/O types, the majority of which are buffered and coupled to 1PL (see Table 3). Analog I/O, timer/counters, a "watchdog" timer, high speed and standard digital I/O, and analog I/O are all controlled by the MCP and related circuitry.
The LDCC's LAN Control Processor regulates LAN communications (LCP). Both isolated and non-isolated input circuits are offered. Any one of the following five bus systems can be processed by the LDCC: