DS200PTCTG1A is a Potential Transformer Current Transformer I/O board developed by Ge under the EX2000 excitation system. The primary function of the PTCT board is to isolate and scale voltage and current signals from PTs and CTs. It also has auxiliary inputs and outputs for low voltage (10 V dc) or current signals ranging from 4 to 20 mA.
Voltage Signals
Six high precision transformers with secondary ratings of 1.6 Vrms and primary nominal ratings of 120 Vrms are used on the PTCT board. On the PTCT, separate terminal points are provided for each primary connection. The voltage signals are measured using test points TPl through TP12.
Current Signals
The PTCT board contains three CTs, each with a burden resistor installed across the secondary. For each primary connection, a separate terminal point is provided. The voltage across the burden resistors RlO through RI2 is measured at test points TP13 through TP18.
Low Voltage or Current Inputs
Depending on the jumper settings on the PTCT, low voltage signal (10 volts) inputs can be converted to 4 to 20 mA signal inputs. The FTCT contains manually moveable hardware jumpers denoted by a BJ nomenclature.
Current Outputs
The 4 - 20 mA signals are sent from the PTCT board to the TCCB board via connector JKK.
DS200PTCTG1A Board Replacement