DS200TCDAG2B is a Digital Input/Output Board developed by GE under Mark V series. Several programmable read-only memory (PROM) modules and one microprocessor are both present on the board. Two 50-pin connectors and one block of ten LEDs are also included. 8 jumpers and 1 LED are included on it. The 50-pin connectors transfer signals to the DTBA and the DTBB boards mounted in the drive. Ribbon cables with a plugged-in one end are connected to the 50-pin connectors. The other end of the ribbon cable attaches to either the DTBA or the DTBB boards. Take note of the 50-pin ribbon cable routing inside the drive before removing the board to replace it, and keep it the same when you replace the board.
TCDA Connectors
TCDA Contact Output (Relay/Solenoid)
The JO1 and JO2 connections are used to send the contact output signals to the TCRA boards.