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DS215LRPAG1AZZ01A is a line module protection board developed by GE. It is a part of EX2000 excitation system. This LRPAG1 is a specific product variant or model that is equipped with firmware. Firmware plays a crucial role in the operation and functionality of the device. Firmware refers to the software that is embedded within the hardware of the LRPAG1. It serves as a bridge between the hardware components and the user interface, enabling the device to perform its intended functions and tasks.


  • Terminal Strips: It features four terminal strips on its leading edge. Each terminal connection on these strips is individually labeled, providing easy identification and connectivity options for external devices or components.
  • Vertical Female Connector and Stab-On Connectors: In addition to the terminal strips, the board includes a vertical female connector and stab-on connectors. These connectors offer alternative methods for connecting and integrating external devices or components, providing flexibility in the setup and configuration of the board.
  • Components: The board incorporates various components to support its functionality. These components include transformers, jumper switches, six heat sinks, potentiometers, resistor network arrays, high-voltage transistors mounted on heat sinks, LED indicators, a switch component, dozens of integrated circuits, relays, and mounting eyelets.
  • Transformers: Transformers are utilized on the board to facilitate voltage transformations or isolation, ensuring proper power distribution and protection within the system.
  • Jumper Switches: Jumper switches are present on the board, allowing users to customize or configure specific settings or functionalities according to their requirements. These switches can be adjusted or set to establish different connections or enable/disable specific features.
  • Heat Sinks: Incorporates six heat sinks to dissipate heat generated by high-power components such as high-voltage transistors. The heat sinks help maintain optimal operating temperatures and prevent overheating, ensuring the reliability and longevity of the board.
  • Potentiometers and Resistor Network Arrays: Potentiometers and resistor network arrays are included on the board to fine-tune or adjust specific parameters such as voltage levels, current flow, or signal characteristics. These components allow for precise control and customization of the board's behavior.
  • LED Indicators and Switch Component: Features LED indicators that provide visual feedback or status indications for various system conditions or events. Additionally, a switch component is included, allowing users to control or trigger specific actions or operations on the board.
  • Integrated Circuits: Dozens of integrated circuits (ICs) are incorporated into the board's design to perform various tasks, such as signal processing, data management, or control functions. These ICs contribute to the overall functionality and performance of the board.
  • Relays and Mounting Eyelets: Relays are included on the board to enable switching or control of electrical signals or devices. Mounting eyelets are also present, providing secure attachment points for installing the board within the system or enclosure.

System Overview

  • The system comprises a separate control simulator, which is a sophisticated system program integrated within the core software. This control simulator plays a crucial role in modeling the behavior of the field and generator, providing an accurate representation of their dynamics.
  • Within the system, the microprocessor application card plays a key role in facilitating the simulation process. Instead of utilizing real-time feedback from the field and generator, signals that mimic the behavior of these components are generated and fed into the transducing algorithms. This simulation allows for comprehensive testing and analysis without relying on actual field and generator feedback.
  • The control simulator takes into account the specific scaling requirements of the exciter for a particular generator. This ensures that the simulated signals accurately reflect the behavior of the system for that specific configuration. For example, during the start-up sequence in simulator mode, the OC2000 display on the front panel provides valuable information such as the exciter voltage and current, as well as the generator voltage for the specific generator being simulated. This information enables operators and technicians to monitor and verify the performance of the system during various stages of operation.
  • The control simulator serves multiple purposes within the system. Firstly, it acts as a training tool, allowing operators and maintenance personnel to familiarize themselves with the behavior and response of the system without the need for real-world testing. Secondly, it facilitates the startup process by providing a controlled environment to verify and fine-tune the system's calibration. Lastly, the control simulator enables comprehensive calibration verification, ensuring that the system's measurements and responses align with expected values.
  • By utilizing the control simulator as part of the system, operators and technicians can gain valuable insights, troubleshoot potential issues, and optimize the system's performance. This simulation capability enhances the overall functionality and reliability of the system, making it a valuable tool for training, calibration, and verification purposes.

Product Attributes

  • The board has been specifically designed to be used as a part of the EX2000 excitation system, which is a system that provides voltage regulation and control to generators in power plants.
  • The board is designed to detect faults and disturbances on the power lines, and to quickly respond to them or taking other appropriate actions to prevent damage.
  • In addition to its protection functions, the board is also responsible for providing real-time monitoring in the EX2000 system. This allows operators to quickly identify any issues that arise and take appropriate action to resolve them, minimizing the risk of damage to the system and preventing costly downtime.
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