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DS3800HLNF is a MicroVax Network Controller Card developed by GE. It is a part of Mark IV control system


  • The board includes a backplane connector to allow the board to communicate with the larger rack system and its components. A right-angled connector near the board's front edge allows for the addition of another cabled connector.
  • Prior to the Mark IV, most Speedtronic systems used terminal screw-type connectors; with the introduction of this system, connectors were changed to plug-in types to allow for faster component change-out. This front edge also includes extractor clips, which make it easier to pull the board from its location during replacement.
  • FPGAs, integrated circuits, DIP switches, and other board components are present.
    • Operator Interface Module

      • To emphasize the commonality of control function, functional groups of switches, such as the operator selection switches and the EXECUTE switch, are color coded. Except for three switches, all switches in the 7 X 4 matrix communicate with [Cl via the HPIB card. The stop switch is located on the second row, far right, and communicates with.[R], [S], and [T] for increased reliability when initiating a normal shutdown sequence. And two (2) switches on the fourth row, far right, are linked to [RI, [Sl, and [Tl via the HPIB card. These are commonly used on compressor drives to manually raise and lower the speed/load setpoint.
      • Normally, pressing the EXECUTE button prior to or during a raise/lower command is not required, but the EXECUTE feature is available if needed. If the Communicator [Cl fails, the stop and raise/lower buttons do not require pressing the EXECUTE button before initiating the command. Except for the voted pushbuttons, which are powered by a separate supply, the switch matrix is powered by the Communicator's 5V bus. To directly de-energize the fuel solenoids independent of the computers, a shrouded EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton has a contact wired in series with the master protective "4" relays in Relay Module #l, [RELAYl].
      • The HAIC cards in [RI], [S], and [T] monitor the status of the EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton. All digital interface with the Operator Interface Module is provided by these cards and the HAIC card in [Cl]. The Video Display [CRT] is driven by the HVDB card in [C].
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