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Mark VI/VIe
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DS3800HLSC is a Data Link Display Card manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the Mark IV Series used in GE Speedtronic Gas Turbine Control Systems. A Data Link Display Card is a device used in aviation for the display and management of data link communications. Data link communications refer to the exchange of digital information between aircraft and ground systems or between aircraft themselves. This technology is commonly used for air traffic control, flight management, and communication purposes.A Data Link Display Card is a device used in aviation for the display and management of data link communications. Data link communications refer to the exchange of digital information between aircraft and ground systems or between aircraft themselves. This technology is commonly used for air traffic control, flight management, and communication purposes.


Data Link Display Cards used in aviation typically offer several features to facilitate efficient communication and information management. While the specific features may vary depending on the manufacturer and the aircraft's communication system, here are some common features you might find:

Message Display: The card provides a clear and readable display for presenting data link messages, including text-based instructions, weather updates, flight plan changes, and other relevant information. The display is designed to be easily readable in the cockpit environment, often with adjustable brightness and contrast settings.

Message Storage: Some Data Link Display Cards have the capability to store received messages, allowing pilots to review and refer to previous communications. This can be useful for reference or in case of any issues that need to be resolved.

Message Management: The card may offer options for managing received messages, such as sorting, filtering, and categorizing them based on priority or type. This helps pilots prioritize and organize their communications effectively.

Message Response: Pilots can use the card to compose and send responses to data link messages. It may feature a keypad or buttons for inputting text or selecting predefined response options. The card may also provide templates for commonly used messages to facilitate quick and standardized replies.

Integration with Flight Management Systems: Some Data Link Display Cards can integrate with the aircraft's Flight Management System (FMS). This allows for the automatic processing of data link messages, such as updating the flight plan, adjusting route information, or providing guidance for required altitude changes.

Data Link Status Monitoring: Some cards offer to monitor functions to display the status of the data link connection and system health. It can provide information on signal strength, connection quality, and other relevant parameters.

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