DS3820STCA is a Turbine Communication Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the Mark IV Series used in GE Speedtronic Control Systems. The Turbine Communication Board (STCA) is the IONET master for the I/O cores. Each I/O core includes an STCA board. Signals are read from the various connectors, conditioned, and sent to the I/O Engine on the UCPB daughterboard via bus connectors J1 and J3. The signals are written to the COREBUS connectors on the QTBA or CTBA boards using the JEE connector.
The STCA board scales and conditions pulse rate inputs obtained from the TCQC board. These signals come from magnetic pickup devices and are transmitted to the TCQC board via the QTBA, TBQB, and/or PTBA terminal boards. The core detects high-pressure shaft pulse rate inputs. The pulse rate inputs in each core are autonomous and serve different functions.
The generator and bus voltage inputs are read from the TCQC board using the 19PL connector. Signals from the PTBA terminal board in the core are sent to the TCTG board through the JN connection. The signals are routed from the TCTG board's JDR/S/T connections to the JD connector on the TCQA board's core. The signals are routed back to the TCQC board in the core via the JE connector. The TCQC board scales and conditions the signals before sending them to the STCA board through the 19PL connector.