IC660ELB912 is a Micro Genius Network Interface board designed to function as a daughterboard in a user's microprocessor system. It connects the Micro Genius and the motherboard in any CPU-type device capable of reading and writing to the Micro Genius's general-purpose shared RAM. This device, referred to as the host, allows the Micro Genius to manage data exchanges between the host and the Genius I/O bus, freeing up the host to control remote I/O. The Micro Genius provides high reliability and noise immunity while handling Genius I/O features.
Functional Description
In a user microprocessor system, the GE Fanuc uGENI network interface block serves as a daughterboard. It can interface with any CPU that can read and write to the uGENI's general-purpose shared RAM. The host device manages all transfers between the host and the Genius I/O block.
IC660ELB912 Features
IC660ELB912 Mounting
Product Attributes