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IC693ACC302B is an auxiliary battery module developed by GE as part of the Mark I and II control systems. The Auxiliary Battery Module is designed to extend the memory backup time for various GE control systems, including the Series 90-30, Series 90-70, and PACSystems CPUs. This auxiliary battery replaces the standard CPU RAM backup battery, significantly enhancing the duration for which memory can be retained without external power.


  • Extended Memory Backup: The auxiliary battery provides a substantial extension of memory backup time. For most supported units, it extends the RAM backup time to up to 75 months. For the CPU374, it extends the backup time to 15 months.
  • Compatibility: This auxiliary battery module is compatible with several GE control systems, including Series 90-30, Series 90-70, and PACSystems CPUs.
  • Replacement for Standard Batteries: The auxiliary battery module is designed to replace the standard CPU RAM backup battery, providing a longer-lasting power source for memory retention.
  • User Service Restrictions: This unit should not be serviced by the user. Maintenance or testing should be conducted by a trained professional with competence in electrical safety practices.
  • End-of-Life Disposal: At the end of its life, ensure the battery pack is disposed of safely. Follow the guidelines provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) included with the product.

Internal Fuse Protection

  • The auxiliary battery module contains a 1-Amp fuse sealed inside the battery pack. This fuse will open in the event of a short-circuit or severe overload.
  • Testing the Fuse: If you suspect the fuse has opened, follow these steps to test the unit:
    • Turn off the PLC power.
    • Unplug the battery.
    • Use a voltmeter to check the connector pins on the battery cable for any voltage.
    • If there is power, the fuse is not open. If there is no voltage, the fuse is likely open, and the unit will need replacement.

Date Codes

  • Location: The date code is located on the front of the auxiliary battery module.
  • Format: The date code consists of three digits. The first digit represents the year of manufacture. The last two digits represent the fiscal week of manufacture.
  • Example: A date code of 315 indicates the battery was manufactured in the 15th fiscal week of 2003.
  • Shelf Life: These battery units have a shelf life of approximately seven years. Batteries that have been in storage for a long period should be disposed of properly.
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