IS200EDISG1A is an Exciter Power Distribution Board manufactured by General Electric. It is part of EX2100e thyristor-based digital control systems. The EX2100e main control processor board is interconnected with the I/O boards and modules through High-speed Serial Link (HSSL) communication. It connects customer AC or DC control power supplies to the system hardware and accepts 125VDC power from a variety of sources, including the station battery and up to two 115 or 220VAC 50/60HZ supplies. These are delivered via a screw-connected pluggable terminal board. A DACA board is used to rectify alternating current power. The generated electricity is then routed to controllers, bridge interface boards, and I/O boards.
Control I/O Boards and Modules
The control I/O boards and modules are as follows:
Functional Description