Home     GE Turbine Control     GE Mark VI     IS200IGPAG1A



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Mark VI/VIe
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IS200IGPAG1A is a Gate Driver Power Supply Card developed by GE. It is a part of the EX2100 control system. Its integration directly into the Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT) facilitates seamless operation within the system. The component boasts a robust design featuring two coil inductors that enhance its performance and reliability. With a focus on connectivity, it is equipped with two board connectors - a 9-pin vertical header connector designated for output and a 5-pin connector tailored for input, ensuring seamless integration into the system architecture.


  • Control Module and Redundancy: The Mark VI system features a central Control Module responsible for managing control, monitoring, and protection of the turbine system. This module ensures redundancy across control and protection parameters to enhance operational reliability.
  • Human/Machine Interface (HMI): Connected to the Control Module is an HMI or Operator Interface, facilitating centralized access to turbine data. Typically based on a PC running on a Windows platform, this interface provides comprehensive monitoring and control capabilities from a single location.
  • Board Connectors: Includes a 9-pin vertical header connector for output and a 5-pin connector for input.
  • LED Strips: Two LED strips with four LEDs each, providing visual status indicators for operational monitoring.
  • Fuses and Test Points: Equipped with two fuses for protection and eight TP (test point) test points for diagnostic testing.
  • Board Design: Features drilled locations to accommodate components and facilitate assembly, with clear reference designators for easy maintenance and troubleshooting.

  • The Exciter Software plays a pivotal role in the seamless operation and control of excitation systems within power generation setups. Configured and loaded from a toolbox interface, this software resides within the controllers, where it orchestrates a multitude of control functions essential for optimal system performance.
  • Visualized as interconnected control blocks on the toolbox screen, the Exciter Software delineates the signal flow, providing operators with a clear overview of the system's operation. During normal operation, the AC regulator is typically selected to govern the system's behavior.
  • To facilitate its operations, the software relies on input signals derived from generator voltages and currents, which are obtained from Potential Transformers (PTs) and Current Transformers (CTs). These signals are then channeled to the EPCT board, serving as a signal conditioner responsible for isolating and scaling the signals to ensure compatibility with the control system.
  • Once conditioned, these signals are transmitted to the controller, where sophisticated software conversion algorithms come into play. These algorithms meticulously process the input signals to compute system variables vital for the execution of various control functions, including regulation, limitation, and protection. By leveraging these calculated variables, the software orchestrates precise control actions, ensuring the excitation system operates within designated parameters while safeguarding against potential faults or abnormalities.
  • In essence, the Exciter Software serves as the intelligent backbone of the excitation system, harnessing advanced algorithms and control logic to optimize performance, maintain stability, and uphold the integrity of power generation processes.
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