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IS200SCNVG1A is an SCR diode bridge control board designed and developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. The SCR Diode Bridge converts alternating current (AC) power from the main power source to direct current (DC). This conversion is essential for supplying stable and controlled power to the different electronic components of the gas turbine control system. The board regulates the voltage output to ensure that it meets the specific requirements of the gas turbine control system. Voltage regulation is critical for the proper functioning of electronic components and devices.


  • This component serves as a control to bridge interface board for the Innovation Series SCR-Diode Converters. The front panel of the board is a long metal part that sits along the right edge of the PCB. The part number SCNVG1A is listed at the bottom of this panel.
  • This SCNV board has a single P1 128-pin backplane connector. This connector is used to send signals to the standard Innovation Series board rack as well as to connect to other circuit boards. The board includes six plug connectors. The plug connectors connect to the current shuts, gate drivers, and the DC link. On the left half, three long integrated circuits are arranged together.
  • There are three transformers, which are labeled T1, T2, T3, and T4.

  • Control and Protection: SCR Diode Bridge Control Boards incorporate control algorithms to manage the power supply based on the operational requirements of the gas turbine. They also include protection mechanisms to safeguard the system against overvoltage, overcurrent, and other potential issues.
  • Integration with Control Systems: These control boards are integrated into the broader control system of the gas turbine. They communicate with other control components, sensors, and actuators to ensure coordinated and efficient operation.
  • Fault Diagnostics: SCR Diode Bridge Control Boards often include diagnostic features to detect and identify faults in the power supply or the board itself. This helps in troubleshooting and maintaining the reliability of the gas turbine control system.
  • Efficiency Optimization: The control boards may include features to optimize the efficiency of power conversion, contributing to the overall energy efficiency and performance of the gas turbine.
  • Compatibility with Variable Speed Drives: In some gas turbine applications, SCR Diode Bridge Control Boards are used in conjunction with variable speed drives to control the speed of the turbine. This allows for more flexibility and efficiency in turbine operation.
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