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Mark VI/VIe
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IS200VPYRH1B is a VME Pyrometer Card developed by General Electric under mark VI series. The Optical Pyrometer Board (VPYR) analyzes temperature conditions that can cause a trip and provides a dynamic temperature profile of the rotating turbine blades. The Pyrometer terminal board is wired with two infrared TBTMS thermometers known as pyrometers and two keyPhasor proximitor probes for shaft reference (TPYR). For burst data from two temperature channels, dedicated analog to digital converters on the VPYR provide sampling rates of up to 200,000 samples per second. Temperature data is displayed and evaluated offline in real time.


To begin installing the VPYR board, turn off the VME processor rack. Insert the VPYR board and use your hands to push the top and bottom levers in to seat the edge connectors. Then, at the top and bottom of the front panel, tighten the captive screws. These screws serve to secure the board and improve the board's front ground integrity. The screws should not be used to secure the board in place. Cable connections to the TPYR terminal boards are made at the VME rack's lower J3 and J4 connectors. To secure the cables, these are latching connectors.


Analog signals from the terminal board are routed to the VPYR processor board, where they are sampled and converted. VPYR uses both pyrometer signals to calculate temperature profiles and run turbine protection algorithms. If a trip is indicated and the signals have been validated, VPYR sends out the trip signal.


The temperature profile of the rotating turbine blades is dynamically measured by two infrared pyrometers. Each pyrometer is powered by a +24 V dc and a -24 V dc source on the terminal board, which is a diode chosen from the voltages supplied by the three VPYR boards. Each pyrometer produces four 4-20 mA signals that represent the following blade measurements:

  • The avg temperature
  • The highest possible peak temperature
  • The average maximum temperature. A fast dynamic profile with a 30 kHz bandpass that provides the entire signature.
  • Each 4-20 mA input generates a voltage across a resistor. Which is then multiplexed and converted on the VPYR board. The fast input (#4) is sampled at up to 200,000 samples per second using a dedicated A/D converter. VPYR can be set up with a variable number of turbine buckets and up to 30 temperature samples per bucket.


    Three LEDs at the top of the VPYR front panel indicate status. The normal RUN condition is flashing green, while the FAIL condition is a solid red. The third LED is STATUS, which is normally off but displays a steady orange if the board has a diagnostic alarm condition. VPYR performs diagnostic checks such as:

  • The temperature inputs and key phasor gap signals are subject to system limit checking, which can result in faults.
  • The two pyrometer inputs are compared to configuration limits to see if they are tracking, and the fast data is validated against other inputs.
  • If any of the above signals fails, a composite diagnostic alarm L3DIAG VPYR is generated. Individual diagnostic signals can be latched and then reset with the RESET DIA signal if they become healthy.
  • Terminal board connectors JR1, JS1, and JT1 each have their own ID device that the I/O board interrogates. The ID device is a read-only chip that contains the serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location of the terminal board. When VPYR reads the chip and encounters a mismatch, a hardware incompatibility fault is generated.
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